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บริษัท ราชเทวี เอ็นจิเนียริ่ง จำกัด
โทรศัพท์: 02-215-9091
 มือถือ : 086-7775111
 อีเมล์ :
  1. High degree of cleaning of oil, grease, dirt, airborne fibres, powdery deposits.
  2. Gives clear heat transfer surface thus energy saving.
  3. Safe from corrosion.
  4. Concentrated form; ideally suited for service organizations who can dilute the productas required.
  5. Low foam characteristics.

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SABINON-P is a scale and deposit remover primarily composed of acid. If also contains a specific inhibitor which can protect the metal from corrosion. Acid will react with the scale on the heatingsurface and dissolve them out. (The inhibitor forms a thin layer over the cleaned surface).

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